Did you know that there are certain months to buy certain items that are better than other times of year? Here are a few things to buy in March:

  1. Frozen Foods: March is Frozen Food month and is a great time to stock up on frozen foods for your freezer!
  2. Fish Products: March is a great time to find great prices on fish and similar items due to lent.
  3. Luggage: It is between travel season, so March is a great month to purchase luggage for upcoming trips!
  4. Winter Coats: You won’t need winter coats for much longer which means coats are much cheaper in March as well as other winter clothing
  5. Winter Sports Gear: Just like winter coats and apparel, winter sports gear is a great buy in March because hopefully we won’t use it for much longer.  
  6. Cleaning Supplies: Cleaning supplies tend to go on sale in March to help you get ready for Spring Cleaning!
  7. Chocolate: After Valentine’s Day is a great time to stock up on Chocolate, especially in March when discounts are at their highest, if you can find a great selection.

Here’s a few things to avoid buying in March:

  1. Spring Apparel: Cute, spring outfits is a great way to welcome spring (are you here yet!?!) but wait another month or so to get better deals since people tend to buy spring apparel this month. Winter clothing on the other hand…
  2. Gym Memberships: Wait a month or two to buy a gym membership since warmer weather will bring better deals because more people take advantage of working out outside for free
  3. Lingerie: You would think that lingerie would be on clearance since Valentine’s Day is over, but the best deals tend to be in the summer. Wait for Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale in the summer if you can.

What do you think of this list? Do you agree with it?