Free Movie Rentals from Blockbuster Express and RedboxWow, there are plenty of movie deals out there this week! First, Blockbuster Express is offering a free movie rental today (Feb. 21) with the promo code FRMOVIE. This code is only good on Feb. 21. Next, you can get a free movie rental at Redbox on Feb. 24 when you “like” them on Facebook. Click the “Freebie” tab to get your unique code – they can also send it to your phone if you do not want to write it down.

As always, be sure to return your free movie after one night to avoid additional charges.

If you want even more cheap movies, the Groupon deal that lets you pay $2 for five DVD rentals from Blockbuster Express is still going on too. You have two years to use the promo codes! It works out to about 40 cents a movie.